Friday, June 20, 2008

Long Dark Way Day #4

Day 4 is actually reshooting all the Day #1 footage. Unfortunately, neither the lights nor the sound from Day #1 were good enough. However, it did not go to waste as this was a good opportunity to work out the kinks in our operation. Because of this, tonight's shooting was much faster and efficient. Altogether we shaved 2 hours off the total time to shoot the same scenes.

It was brought to my attention that I failed to show the "casualty" picture promised two days ago. So here it is:

This purse, purchased after much consideration by Renee while living in Thailand, was our first casualty. For the sake of art, this purse bravely leapt in front of the wheels of a speeding car to save Renee. LOL

Actually the scene was that the car comes to a screeching halt inches from our heroine. Before she can even react, the villian is beside her leading her across the path. In the process she drops this purse and it is run over (albeit unintentionally) by the above mentioned car as it speeds away.

Major shoot coming tomorrow. Will post after that is done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RIP renees purse lol ,good u dont waste time at all and see evry thing as an opportunity to improve i wish to see the big blog .....
Laura liked ur blog very much and i am convaying the message from her side.....all the best dear susan god bless u