Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Long, Dark Way Day 6

This was supposed to be Day 7, but Monday's shooting was cancelled due to sickness (not mine). so that was rescheduled for Friday.

Tonight was a very small scene in a bathroom. Thanks to my chiropractor, Dr. Fred Bogan at Alliance Chiropractic, we were able to get in and done in three hours.

Thanks to Renee, Sonja, Greg, Brian and Jamestic. Good job.

Still needing a location for the dress shop and Rachel's house for the end of the film. Everything else is essentially finished.

From here will be sound effects, pickup shots (that's going back to locations and getting little things to cut to or scenes we missed) and voice over work. The end is in sight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan!

I've been reading your blog, and I've really been enjoying it!

It's really cool to read the "behind-the-scenes" of your film's production.

I've missed seeing you! I hope to see you again soon.

Good luck with the rest of the production!
